Mark Affleck

The Devastating Shame of Anger

April 16, 2018
Spiritual Growth

Believers through time have experienced the shame of being ruled by our spirit and held captive in the grip of passionate anger. Instead of thinking before speaking, we speak without thinking and the carnage comes fast.

Winning that battle has always been hard. It takes more courage and wisdom to resist an angry response than it does to take a city.
Anger almost always stems from our self-centered belief that an event or conversation should have gone differently because it did not satisfy our expectations. That we have been slighted. That we have suffered some kind of indignity.
This battle cannot ever be won without God and disciplining our heart to listen for the Holy Spirit when the venomous anger urge percolates up through our soul.
Being aware of our weaknesses is our source of strength because it means we know we must lean on God. We must commit our ruling spirit to God. Just like David. Just like Jesus.
God is not in the business of conquering our human spirit by force. But he has given us the power to bring our obedience into alignment with his will. I then take his power and try to hear in advance what my words will sound like when spoken. And I cut my word count in half to reduce my exposure.
My prayer is for God to be mighty in my life. To slow me down and let his Spirit work in and through me not matter the circumstances.


How do you control your anger and keep your spirit calm?
Father God, may you be mighty in my life. Slow me down and let your Spirit work in and through me not matter the circumstances. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
“Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.” Proverbs 16:32

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