We are all fascinated by the exciting future. Fixated on the mysterious future. Frustrated by the unknown future. Man do we want a peek into the future.
Waiting for the future to happen just isn’t good enough. We want a summary of the future right now as if we’re cruising through NetFlix teasers in search of our next watch.
Of course we all want to KNOW what lies ahead. That’s called FORESIGHT and we want its power.
fore·sight: the ability to predict what will happen or be needed in the future.
But there’s a trade-off in that deal. Taking the FORESIGHT road means we have decided NOT to take God’s FAITH road.
If we choose to covet foresight, we will quickly pull up our list of questions:
- When will a COVID-19 vaccine be available so we can set your wedding date?
- Who will be the next president and what will that mean to me down the road?
- Will I become a full-time teacher along with my other full-time commitments?
- Will my paycheck keep traveling the wire and find its way to my bank account?
OUR reason for wanting to seek knowledge of the future can be explained simply: We think it will BENEFIT US in some way.
The REAL reason behind our interest in knowing the future can be explained just as simply: Our FEAR and worry that comes from inconsistent or incomplete faith.
We ask for FORESIGHT and God says we need to have FAITH.
“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Matthew 6:27
FORESIGHT is easy. But FAITH is hard because it must have an “unknown” element to be faith. Full foresight would make us marshmallow-soft spiritual worriers living a FAKE-FAITH.
I ask God to help me choose FAITH over FORESIGHT. To give me the sense of security that leads to fully trusting him for my future.
Where are you on the FORESIGHT vs FAITH scale? 0 is wanting to have 100% FORESIGHT into the future and 10 is having 100% FAITH in God?
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:33-34