Two days left in our current exploration of the spiritual imperative: REJECT THE WORLD. I have two messages in mind that should send us into March with strong momentum for the next imperative: RECOGNIZE OUR INADEQUACY. But in the meantime let’s flip back to REJECTING THE WORLD and address TRUTH.
TRUTH has been under attack since we broke from God in the Garden. But the world has become increasingly proficient at knocking it down. Believers everywhere should brace for an ASSAULT ON TRUTH that the digitized, “modern” world has not yet seen.
Today’s mind-numbing volume of information coursing through the world’s bloodstream allows people to find a version of truth that meets their own GODLESS perspective.
The ability to do that has produced our POST-TRUTH world where facts are subordinated to “snippets of information” shaped into what people want to be true. These “new-world truth tellers” then weaponize it to manipulate the vulnerable masses.
It’s no wonder that Christians living in a POST-TRUTH world have trouble following a God who claims to be THE WAY…THE TRUTH…AND THE LIFE.
Believers are commanded to seek and proclaim the truth inside and outside the church—GOD’S TRUTH—that can only be found in his Word of life—the BIBLE.
We need to speak the “truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15); and we need to expose “unfruitful works of darkness” (Ephesians 5:11-12).
The POST-TRUTH era may trouble us, but it does not faze a God who always tells the truth (Hebrews 6:18).
And it should NOT trouble us. In fact, Christians should view the POST-TRUTH era as an opportunity to see the magnificence of Christ manifest in lighting the lamps of peace.
The church is the hope of the world. Not a hope. THE hope. It should not reflect culture in its mirror. It should reflect Christ.
If you want to know when YOU have personally crossed into the danger zone on truth, pay attention to signs that you are shutting out God’s truth to protect your view of reality playing on the WORLD’S SCREEN.
I ask God for the wisdom to always know, believe, and share HIS TRUTH.
Are you ready to ACCEPT the truth, God’s truth, in the days ahead? To TELL the truth, God’s truth, in the days ahead? To LIVE the truth, God’s truth, in the days ahead?
“God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged.” Hebrews 6:18