We need to count our blessings every day, right? OF COURSE! But if we’re not vigilant and paying very close attention, human nature will steer our focus away from BLESSINGS and move it toward WOUNDS. And if we’re SPIRITUALLY LONELY—separated or distant from God—counting our blessings will seem IMPOSSIBLE.
Once that happens, wounds and worries have a way of hijacking our thoughts and prevent us from “counting blessings.”
But when I think of “counting my blessings,” it conjures up a well-worn phrase that, on its face, rings HOLLOW. Of course, it’s true—Christians must count their blessings. But for many people it has become one of those aphorisms that does not get past being a “saying.” The important and God-directed action it is supposed to trigger lies dormant.
That’s why I believe counting blessings is really about CONTENTMENT. The phrase “count your blessings” reminds me to be grateful and content by thinking about the reasons why that is the case.
COUNTING BLESSINGS is a very important action believers must take. It is always being humble and giving thanks to God over and over and over again for a lifetime. That repetition builds our contentment.
And BEING CONTENT is an essential state of mind and heart.
Counting blessings over wounds, in the end, will make us more content and less stressful.
“Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” Psalm 103:2
How we view our own life is dependent on where we train our focus. From some angles, it may look like a storm-ravaged disaster. But it can be beautiful when viewed from another angle and through a different lens from God’s perspective.
That is why I count my blessings and subordinate my wounds, especially in this month of showing GRATITUDE to God. I want to feel and express the kind of GRATITUDE that creates contentment in my heart.
I want to always put blessings ahead of wounds and regularly count those blessings in a way that leads to my contentment in Christ.
Are you counting wounds or blessings?
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18