Let’s face it, we do not like to ask for HELP. Not for directions on the road. Not for advice on what we wear. Not for input on what we should or should not eat. My challenge to you today is the next step in our end-of-year Faith Inventory process and is expressed as a question: “Are you asking God for HELP?”
Please set aside your quick, reflexive YES and be OPEN to the possibility that you are not asking God for help on the FOUNDATIONAL QUESTIONS that address who we are in Christ and what we are doing day-in and day-out to emulate him.
It’s easy to say YES to the question “Are you asking God for help?” when it comes to praying for events and circumstances in our life. Things like threats and sickness and challenges and events and other things that bob and weave through our faith walk.
But my context today for this question “Are you asking God for help?” is much deeper than those very real requests we make. It’s whether we are “asking God for help” on the following questions that are fundamental to our identity as a Christian. This could be the most important TOP TEN list you consider for 2022…it is for ME.
Am I emulating Christ EQUALLY for those who know me best and for people outside my inner circle?
- Have I considered how my faith walk and attitude may impact others?
- What motives are driving my faith walk right now?
- Is there a need for instant gratification anywhere in my life?
- Have I honestly considered the risks and likely outcomes of my current walk with God?
- What impact will the way I’m walking with God right now have on me telling my story and serving him?
- Have I identified my blind spots? (The most difficult question on the list, IMO).
- How would I come out if “everybody could see” who I am at my core?
- What story could God tell or would he tell if I was fully surrendered to him?
- Am I living the habits of a disciple: Word; Prayer; Fellowship; and Tithing?
The final question is separated from the others because it is a SPRITUAL IMPERATIVE:
Have I sought solitude with God to check his Word; seek his direction; and then surrender to HIM who I am in Christ and what I am doing with my life for him and the Kingdom?
Yes, or No?
I always want to be open to asking God for help. To see myself honestly when I take my spiritual inventory, and then, to seek God’s help to make the necessary changes/improvements.
Are you able to ask God for HELP? Are You Sure?
“My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:2
“If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.” John 14:14
“Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face continually.” 1 Chronicles 16:11