Mark Affleck

Has God Ever Been a Million Miles Away from YOU?

April 23, 2021
Spiritual Growth

This just in from our global online tribe: “God feels like he is a million miles away from me right now and I feel bad.”
All Christians–at one time or another, to one degree or another—are pecked by this pain.
Knowing that these feelings will come is more than a “soft line of comfort.” Of course it’s comforting to know that information. But it also gives us the strength to beat-back our negative self-talk that repeats the Enemy’s favorite LIE: “I will never be a good Christian.”
Feeling that God “is a million miles away” looks different for every believer. It may come when the world’s distractions pull us away from God. It may be a fear-of-the-future. Or it could be boredom when we spend time with God.
But most often it boils down to a tug-of-war between: 1) Who we want to be in Christ; and 2) Who we are in Christ.
The most common reaction to this feeling? Make a “transaction.” You know…listen to Christian music or read a devotion or repent. ALL GREAT MOVES, of course. But if we are in a FAITH FUNK and feel distant from God, even if we can get ourselves to make one of those transactions, at best we will come to it with “faith fatigue.” It’s hard to find God’s relief in that state of mind.
So what do we do? Two things: 1) Take the pulse of your heart; and 2) Release your distress.
ONE: Take the pulse of your heart.
This is about being HONEST with ourselves and our feelings toward God in that moment—however depressing they may be. It is NOT looking for a “quick fix” on the internet. We are probing deep into our heart for what we would tell God if there were no restrictions.
“I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” Psalm 40:1–2
TWO: Release your distress.
After you tap into an honest assessment of the reality around being “disconnected” from God–LET IT OUT! Speak your truth. Share your feelings. Express your frustration. God can handle anything you throw his way.
“I am weary, God, but I can prevail.” Proverbs 30:1
I ask God to help me react with spiritual responsibility when it feels like he is a million miles away. To guide me toward taking the pulse of my heart and releasing my distress.
What will you do the next time God feels a million miles away?

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