There have been thousands of blogs written on a Christian’s AVAILABILITY over their ABILITY. Most believers have heard this subject’s core message that “God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.” AND IT’S TRUE!
Not super stars. Not super saints. Not super theologians. God uses regular, ordinary people who can move mountains when they are propelled by the Holy Spirit. Which compels me to ask you these questions:
ARE YOU SERVING GOD? Are YOU making your ordinary self fully available to him? Are you sure? Keep reading, please.
My Love God Fear Nothing twist on that AVAILABILITY/ABILITY message boils down to one piercing question of spiritual introspection: What are we doing to PRESENT our ordinary self to God and declare our AVAILABLITY?
That’s what makes this AVAILABILITY OVER ABILITY message different than the others. It focuses on doing something with our ordinariness and our availability by taking these three steps:
ONE: Recognize our INADEQUACY.
There is a sacred responsibility in being an ordinary person used mightily by God. It is RECOGNIZING and ACKNOWLEDGING our inadequacy and CLAIMING God’s power.
It is IMPERATIVE if we are to depend on Christ. Which leads us to step two.
TWO: Spend time with JESUS.
Spending time with Jesus and activating the Holy Spirit to power our ordinariness is the DIFFERENCE between transactional service and transformational service. The more we tap into the grace and gifts given to us by God, the more he will use us to build his Kingdom.
TRANSACTIONAL SERVICE: Doing things mechanically out of duty.
TRANSFORMATIONAL SERVICE: Doing things we were made by God to do.
The durability and legacy of what we do for God and the fruit we bear are determined by the extent to which we tap into and follow the Holy Spirit…and subordinate OURSELVES.
God is looking for ordinary people who have spent time with Jesus.
Trust God with unbridled faithfulness that he will reveal opportunities that maximize the impact of our gifts and availability.
We just need to keep being ordinary, make ourselves available, and then be on the look-out for what God wants us to do for him and his Kingdom
I ask God to make sure I am continually making my ordinary self fully available to him to be used by him and him you.
Are you serving God? Are you making your ordinary self fully available to him? Are you sure?
“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.” Acts 4:13