My heart is troubled. My soul is hopeless. My mind is afraid.
Those are the most common feelings we hear about from our global tribe of online followers. They are feelings that may be coming from a damaged relationship; personal hang-up, habit or hurt; a health scare; or financial crisis…to name a microscopic few from the seemingly endless list.
Many of these Christians have prayed to God and “tried everything” to escape their pain. But in many cases, little changes and the cycle of despair spins inexorably out of control. Every believer on planet earth experiences these feelings to one degree or another, at one point or another.
That’s so sad because all of us are just a WHISPER from God away from a breakthrough or looking at things through God’s perspective. Yes, a WHISPER from the God of Heaven and earth is right there for every Christian if we are listening for its arrival. Examples of that whisper could be to move or stay or love or change or know that God is with you no matter what comes.
But in so many cases we are looking outside into the world–or inside to our own power–for the victory that will change our circumstances and heal the wounds they produced.
Accessing God’s WHISPERS that change everything starts with 100% belief that he knows everything about the victory we seek and the barriers in its way. Our role is to be LISTENING for his breakthrough whisper that rarely, if ever, comes as a thunderous voice or big bang. In almost every case it is a quiet nudge.
It’s easy to miss hearing a whisper, right? Of course. That’s why we “try hard” to hear whispers. Perhaps you’ve hit rewind on your tv’s remote to go back and hear dialog that was spoken softly.
God is waiting on us to step out in faith by LISTENING for his subtle whispers.
“But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” Matthew 6:6
God wants us to demonstrate our trust in his goodness and love by continuing to “ask, see, and knock.” And he promises to be faithful and ANSWER. But we must be LISTENING.
Listening to God does not FOLLOW understanding God. It LEADS us to understanding God.
I ask God to help me to listen for his whispers. To strengthen my faith to believe that he knows everything that is happening in my life and has it all covered. Today, tomorrow, forever.
“Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” Romans 10:17