Want to know one of the most common things MISSING in the faith walk of Christians around the world? Here it is:
Quickly processing life’s events with God and then asking “WHAT’S NEXT?”
I learned that through thousands of comments from our global online tribe. What I have NOT seen much evidence of is one of the most common aphorisms in Christianity: “Let Go, Let God.”
Of course there is nothing wrong with Let Go, Let God. It is a powerful reminder that GOD IS IN CONTROL, NOT US. But it needs a companion follow-up step that is action-oriented to activate and re-activate our faith. To start moving. To generate specific prayers from us to God that focus on our role and responsibility in taking responsible action.
This comes AFTER we acknowledge our weaknesses and helplessness to God (Let Go, Let God). It comes AFTER we LISTEN to what he says about our circumstance. It comes AFTER realizing that WE have a role to play going forward.
Then we start moving and acting…and go back to God in prayer and repeat the cycle again—pray to God, listen for direction, seek his promise, and take more action…repeatedly.
Here’s a real-life example of this PRAY-LISTEN-MOVE approach in my own life:
I was facing a major decision on what direction to take my ministry in 2021. Over many weeks I prayed to God and surrendered control to him. I grabbed his promises that I could trust him with my future. And then I went into action developing information about the options and seeking wisdom from other believers. God answered my prayers with unequivocable clarity on what road to take with my ministry.
Asking “WHAT’S NEXT” is important, but just as important is doing WHAT’S NEXT.
Not sure what to do? Ask God WHAT’S NEXT; listen for his answer; and then take a step on the path he has directed.
I ask God to give me the strength to constantly ask him WHAT’S NEXT so I am always in his will and direction and never relying on my own decision-making on what to do next.
How often do you ask God: “WHAT’S NEXT?” When was the last time you asked God: “WHAT’S NEXT?”
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” Proverbs 3:5-6