A dark cloud of GLOOM has settled over the world. Negativity rules. Cynicism abounds. Despair haunts.
(Hang tight—the positive is coming. But first, YOU need to take the GLOOM TEST.)
Our natural bias toward gloom and doom isn’t new. What is new is its fuel source, the digital hurricane of information that bombards us 24/7. The relentless flood of bad news has taken GLOOM to an entirely new level.
But what does this mean for Christians in 2025?
The Enemy is constantly tempting believers to take the GLOOM & DOOM EXIT off life’s highway to trap us in a den of pessimism, cynicism, and despair. He whispers:
• It’s hopeless.
• Things will never get better.
• God doesn’t hear you.
The GLOOM TEST: How Do You Score?
For every six thoughts you have, how many are positive? How many are negative? Most people are shocked when they take this test and realize that negativity overpowers positivity.
The 5-to-1 Principle
Psychologist John Gottman’s “5-to-1 Relationship Ratio” states that in healthy relationships, there should be five positive interactions for every one negative. That same principle applies to our faith, mindset, and overall outlook on life.
But here’s the problem: Many believers are living in reverse—a 5-to-1 NEGATIVE ratio—five negative thoughts for every one positive! How in the world can that work? It doesn’t.
To truly walk in faith and resist gloom, we need to flip the ratio: for every negative thought, we need FIVE positive ones to counter it:
• Not just accumulate positive experiences—but fight off the negatives.
• Not just seek out joy–but guard it fiercely from gloom’s attacks.
• Not just trust God when things are great—but trust Him even when life tries to sink our faith ship.
The Bible Says Think Differently
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise—THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS.” Philippians 4:8
And here’s another weapon against gloom from God’s Word:
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2
The world wants to drown us in negativity, but God calls us to renewal. And the more we renew our minds in him, the more we resist the enemy’s pull toward despair.
What about you?
How do YOU score on the GLOOM INDEX? For every 5 thoughts you have, how many are positive? How many are negative? God is ready to help you shift your ratio and keep negativity from burying your faith, hope, and joy…TODAY.