Mark Affleck

The Truth is SILENT

August 17, 2024
Spiritual Growth

Burned-out and boarded-up buildings. Economic turbulence. Political incivility. Forests on fire. Homeless encampments. Melting icebergs. Murder in the streets. Floods and hurricanes. Middle East strife. Rampant inflation. Housing price crunch.

That’s the SHORT list of issues raining down on our world today—a time people say “the world has never seen.”

But I could pick ANY century and come up with a similar list. So I’ll randomly choose one—the 15th Century—to make the case. Take a look:

There was a great FLOOD. Social UNREST in Germany. Arsenic MURDERS throughout Europe. Infectious DISEASE in the Middle East. A WAR on the Croatia-Ottoman border. The MASSACRE in Cepin.

So when we say, “It has NEVER been anything like this,” we are wrong. It has ALWAYS been like this. History shows us that turmoil and pain are constants in a fallen world. The real question isn’t whether the world is broken, but whether we’re looking for solutions in the right place.

But we insist: “It should not be like this!”

REALLY? Why not? This is not Heaven.

We live in a world where LIES scream and TRUTH is silent.

We need to deal with the reality of life on earth through GOD’S TRUTH and his unending love and hope.
What we know is that the sun rises each day through the world’s strife, conflict, and pain. And we know that God is always with us to walk by our side through the uncertainty and fear.

We need to stop thinking the world is broken and we can fix it ourselves. You know…thinking, cure this and prevent that. Change this and preserve that. Life for this and death to that.

The long trail of devastation on planet earth started in the Garden (Genesis 3:17–19) with Adam and Eve’s choice. And man on earth has been in pain ever since.

Of course the world is dark. But that darkness will not last forever. God will make all things new and right in Heaven (Revelation 21:4-5).

That’s why I ask God to remind me that the world’s brokenness is not the story’s end. That Eternal life in Heaven is the end.

Have you allowed the world’s darkness to block out God’s light?

“For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” Romans 8:24-25

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