Mark Affleck

I Survived The Accident But Still Crashed

June 26, 2019
Spiritual Growth

It’s finally over and I actually survived! Now I can relax.

It was a mindset I had that ruled the day early in my faith walk when my primary focus during a trial was anticipating when it would be over. It was efficient and effective. But it was wrong.
Yes, that approach was clearly wrong for a Christian trying to grow spiritually through life’s ups and downs. Actually, it is an attitude that makes growing in Christ almost impossible.
God wants us to do more than celebrate “surviving” our trials like we’re passing a freeway-clogging accident. The “more” is asking him to identify opportunities to grow our faith for the journey’s next leg.
Why do we have to ask God?
Because spiritual growth after a trial is not automatic. I know that now, but in the early days after accepting Christ, I never once asked God what could be learned from the ups and downs in my life.
After much trial and error, I have learned that we MUST ask God—immediately after the trial ends—for the learning that will grow our faith.
Any delay will compromise the result. I’ve also figured out that we are looking for ANYTHING to take forward. It does not have to be a huge, “once-in-a-lifetime lesson.” Small adjustments in our spiritual walk are extremely important.
This faith-growing approach definitely works and it compounds over time like interest in a bank account.
But there’s more.
After learning and adjusting, we receive the incredible bonus of having our eyes opened wide to see God’s magnificence and unconditional shepherding as we move forward.
Believe it or not…that bonus is EASY to miss in our walk with God.
I ask God to help me fight off the temptation to zoom past the difficulties of life. Instead, I want to go to him immediately in search of the pruning, learning, or direction he would provide.
Do you pause to reflect on what God would have you learn after a trial in your life is over?
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.” John 15:1

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