Is Your Faith Walk MISSING An Entry Ticket?
08 April, 2021
Is it good enough to believe that Jesus is the Son of God in the same way that we believe there are oceans on Planet Earth? NOPE. The Devil believes Jesus is the Son of God and knows all about the oceans, too. When Jesus brought his love and righteousness to a fallen world encased in despair, he encountered a prowling and evil Enemy who acknowledged his Lordship and recognized...
Is YOUR Faith Dead Or Spirit-Filled?
07 April, 2021
Belief animates and drives a Christian’s faith walk. We can have superficial (lower-case) belief or we can have unconditional (CAPITAL B) Belief that God is in control and we are not. The stakes behind the depth of our belief are high. Really high. At stake is whether we walk with dead faith or spirit-filled saving faith. How do we identify the Bible-based difference between...
My CV-19 Vaccination: From CAPITAL B Belief to lower-case b
06 April, 2021
Two days ago I joined the throng of vaccine candidates in a winding queue under California’s cooperating sky for my second COVID vaccination. I was skipping along feeling great and humming with CAPITAL B BELIEF. Heck, it was EASTER SUNDAY! I had no idea then that my encounter with a needle in 43 minutes would turn into today’s message on CAPITAL B BELIEF. But that is exactly what happened. Here’s...
Are YOU In The World’s Race To The BOTTOM?
05 April, 2021
The CROSS crashed the world’s stage. Illuminated the darkness. Saved the world. That is the power of EASTER to provide a wonderful opportunity for Christians to refresh our faith. To rekindle our commitment to Christ. To re-rack and deepen our belief in the God of Heaven and earth. This year’s celebration yesterday was a blessing for me and I hope it was for you, too. Easter 2021 came...
It’s FINISHED, So Raise Your Belief to CAPITAL B.
02 April, 2021
It was on this GOOD FRIDAY that Jesus wobbled out of the Praetorium with a scalp gouged by piercing thorns and blood caking his quivering body. He was carrying almost 50 pounds of timber fashioned into a cross–the cruelest instrument of torture ever developed. Minutes later he was nailed to that cross—a thief on each side–under a sign that read: “King of the Jews.” Jesus looked...
Take The BELIEF Test! lower case b or CAPITAL B?
01 April, 2021
There is compelling evidence in comments from Love God Fear Nothing’s online tribe of 1.2 Million followers around the world that we are GROWING SPIRITUALLY in 2021! Good job to all of you and may God get 100% of the GLORY. God has been spawning that growth ever since the tribe committed 2021 to spiritual growth. To fear less. To love God more. And that’s what happened in January when...
I Slammed The Door SHUT When God Said OPEN It
31 March, 2021
What’s the best way to CLOSE out this month’s series on “Recognizing Our INADEQUACY Without God?” With a message on our need to OPEN up. God tells us to OPEN UP and examine ourselves regularly to discern which direction our faith walk should take. “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.” Psalm 139:23 Getting our response to that...
I Stopped For IN-N-OUT Yesterday And Forgot To Pray
29 March, 2021
I spent the day yesterday hustling down the freeway running through California’s spine with a throng of people trying to escape their Covid Cocoon and chase whatever kind of NORMAL awaits them on the road ahead. Along the way I resisted stopping at the first two IN-N-OUT Hamburger stands I encountered; but succumbed to the third. I pulled into the drive-through–after muttering my self-directed...
I Spent 10 Years In The PRIDE SWAMP
26 March, 2021
We’re playing the PRIDE CARD today as we head into the home stretch on this month’s exploration into RECOGNIZING OUR INADEQUACY without God. Please keep an open mind and strap yourself in for the ride. Nobody should be surprised to see PRIDE show up in the context of recognizing our INADEQUACY without God. Heck, his Word has a list of traits that he despises. “There are six...
WATCH OUT—The Bubble Wrap Can Became PERMANENT.
25 March, 2021
The CHRISTIAN BUBBLE is a “safe haven” Christians seek to minimize or avoid contact with the “world.” I get it. Bubble wrap keeps things from breaking or changing shape. Consider the compelling difference between transporting an antique vase across town loose in the back seat or bubble wrapped in a box. I chose the loose approach ONCE, but from that point on I’ve been going with bubble...
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