I Could NOT Keep My Mind Quiet
07 October, 2024
I could NOT keep my mind quiet as a new Christian, NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRIED. Nothing was quiet back then when I was a CEO chasing success. When I was caught in the relentless pursuit of wealth. When I was constantly fixated on the next big achievement. Hearing God’s call to “live a QUIET life” at that time in my faith walk made me think: “are you kidding me?” But then God tossed me a life-line from...
How Many U's are in the Word PRESUMPTUOUS?
23 September, 2024
This weekend had me thinking a lot about why it makes sense that there are three “U’s” in the word PRESUMPTUOUS. It’s because presumption is all about us—our plans, our timing, our desires. When we are presumptuous, we put ourselves at the center of the story rather than God. And a presumptuous attitude is incompatible with following Jesus. It pre-empts God, leads us off course, and can...
Why are So Many Christians Raging?
19 September, 2024
There are millions of Christians everywhere on this planet wondering why they get ANGRY when they know it’s wrong. Know that it damages their faith walk. Know that it paints the wrong picture for those people who see it come out. Sadly, only a small portion of believers who are carrying DEEP-SEATED ANGER inside them are willing to acknowledge it, let alone expose it to God. That was ME early in my...
Guess What Happened When I Stopped Saying “I GOT THIS”?
25 August, 2024
“I’ve Got This!” That line shows incredible hubris, right? Yep. But that’s how I looked at spiritual maturity early in my faith walk when I tried to turn a superficial understanding into my “permanent” relationship with Christ. When it failed, I called on my professional success and money to soothe the pain of living without God. The results were ugly. The minute we think “I’ve Got This,” God tells...
The Truth is SILENT
17 August, 2024
Burned-out and boarded-up buildings. Economic turbulence. Political incivility. Forests on fire. Homeless encampments. Melting icebergs. Murder in the streets. Floods and hurricanes. Middle East strife. Rampant inflation. Housing price crunch. That’s the SHORT list of issues raining down on our world today—a time people say “the world has never seen.” But I could pick ANY century and come up with...
STOP PRETENDING! ‘Fake It ’Til You Make It’ is a Trap
12 August, 2024
Let’s cut to the chase: “Fake it ’til you make it” (FITYMI) is a lie wrapped in a catchphrase. In a world obsessed with appearances, this idea might seem like a clever hack to get ahead, but for Christians, it’s a spiritual dead-end and a dangerous deception. If we’re leaning on this pop culture crutch, it’s time for a wake-up call. Faking anything, especially faith, is a fool’s...
I Used to Have a PRETEND HEART
30 July, 2024
It was early in my faith walk, and I had no idea that God had a complete picture of my heart. He saw every sin as it was birthed in my pumping power plant, and the world saw my character through the words that had just passed through the headquarters of my life. I was naïve, thinking I could mask my true self behind a facade, presenting a pretend heart to those around me. God taught me later that...
The "Last Supper" in Paris?
30 July, 2024
Like millions of Christians around the globe, I was stunned beyond comprehension when a troupe of drag queens performed during the opening ceremony for the Olympics in Paris last Friday. This was blatant mockery of Jesus Christ and it’s WRONG. The Olympic Organizing Committee apparently decided to put a modern twist on Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic “The Last Supper.” This version featured...
So You Think You’re WISE, eh?
21 July, 2024
I had an epiphany this past weekend I am calling “REVERSE WISDOM.” Here’s the story. I used to think my level of wisdom went up with every passing year. But as my spiritual maturity has grown and compounded over the years, I think it’s the OPPOSITE. The closer I get to Christ, the less I rely on my own wisdom. My “LIFE wisdom” may grow every year, but my goal is to expand my “GOD Wisdom.”...
Assassinations: The WORLD Or The WORD?
15 July, 2024
This weekend’s assassination attempt on a candidate for the American presidency had my attention in a headlock. While wrestling with its tight grip, my mind returned to a familiar theme: Life today in the 21st Century is a terrifying roller-coaster ride rumbling through a nasty run of inflation, crippling crime; wars around the globe, dizzying technological advances; and a pall of uncertainty that...
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