Mark Affleck

Are The “NOW MOMENTS” Part Of Your Life?

January 9, 2020
Spiritual Growth

Continuing here with this month’s theme: TAKE ANOTHER LOOK—an introspective focus on topics all Christians should regularly consider. Today that message is “BEING PRESENT.”

First, full disclosure!
I have always looked at the line “being present” as silly.
But I DO embrace its larger message of cherishing the “NOW” moments of life. You know, the seemingly insignificant and softer side of life that presents itself at the zoo or in a special conversation or on a walk.
I have received this nudge from God many times through the years–especially early in my faith walk when I never once met a NOW MOMENT that I allowed to soak in and be fully appreciated. I was too busy chasing my mansion and sports car and strapping $10,000 watches on my wrist.
Preparing for this message last night reminded me that no matter how much stress and uncertainty we face, God wants us to enjoy a more abundant life in the moment…IN THE NOW.
God knows the way forward in our life even if we can’t see it. Being consumed by some ARRIVAL POINT in the future means we will miss the rainbows, the mountains, and the baby’s smile along the way.
Most importantly, we will miss God’s presence and the joy of living peacefully while powered by his incredible rhythms of grace.
My breakthrough on living in the NOW did NOT come from buckling down and forcing myself to think “present over future.” It came from my commitment to spiritual growth and the discipline of spending time with God every day.
That choice pushed me into a NOW walk with God and away from a FUTURE-FOCUSED existence with the world.
I ask God to help me live in the now…help me leave the past behind…and help me interrupt my fixation on what lies ahead in the future. I want to get from him the strength to savor his majesty in each one of life’s precious moments.
How much time are you spending each day IN THE NOW?
“Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:3-4

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