Mark Affleck

 I Lived With ZERO TOLERANCE Of Imperfection

January 11, 2018
Spiritual Growth

Our vulnerability to Satan’s Voice Villain in our ear increases with each new mistake we make or bad feeling we entertain. 

This negativity creates a damaging self-perception that we are not worthy and cannot be like Jesus. Then we mistakenly start thinking we are no good for others, no good for our families and friends, and no good for God.
It’s a search-and-destroy mission against ourselves with zero-tolerance for imperfection. We are bad, not the behavior or the thought. If anything is wrong, everything is wrong.
God grieves when we allow this lie to establish a perch in our mind and heart.
And that is exactly what happened to me early in my faith walk. I wanted the perfect life, perfect marriage, perfect family, perfect house, perfect car, perfect church, perfect hobbies, and the perfect attitude.
Perfection, however, is elusive, and it took me a while to find out why. It is elusive because it is an illusion. Perfection doesn’t exist. I looked everywhere, and I couldn’t find it.
That’s why I ask God to help me believe that I do not have to prove I am worthy of his grace by doing “the right things.” Help me know that I am worthy of his grace and salvation based on who I am in Christ, not what I have done or will do. Help me get out of the way so he can intervene.


Are you mounting a search-and-destroy mission on YOURSELF? Ask God to vanquish that thought right now, today.

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1

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