The INTENSITY of our year-end FAITH INVENTORY and READINESS for 2022 is about to swell as we take a deep look at where we are in our walk with God TODAY and where he would have us go TOMORROW. The intensity comes from his call for us to become SPIRITUALLY MATURE.
“We are not meant to remain as children, but to grow up in every way into Christ.” Ephesians 4:14-15.
This kind of child-like growth—our goal and life-long quest—is never easy. But it is possible if we pay attention to God’s discerning voice and commit to the habits of a disciple—God’s Word, Prayer, Tithing, and Fellowship—that enable us to grow in Christ.
That starts with understanding that spiritual growth is about glorifying God, not elevating ourselves. About developing an intimate relationship with Jesus, not checking off spiritual transactions on a Godly to-do list. About transformative–not superficial–growth.
This is where the MORAL COMPASS enters the picture.
Before we drill any deeper into HOW Christians grow spiritually, it’s important to understand how the following MORAL COMPASS tenet undergirds our spiritual foundation:
God’s Word must transform our moral compass and create a “SPIRITUAL MIND” in a way that helps us discern what God would have us do, and not do.
Committing to spiritual growth is NOT an intellectual endeavor. It is, at its core, a moral challenge. It is being aware of where our moral compass is positioned. It is developing a mind and heart that makes decisions after they pass through God’s DISCERNMENT FILTER.
A believer’s path to spiritual growth and maturity is not becoming “spiritually smart.” It is becoming what I call OBEDIENTLY SURRENDERED.
The choices we make and what kind of life we model for others to see is more about the level of our surrender to Christ and the obedience that grows out of that commitment than the things “we do” as a Christian.
This is how the most educated theologian can have faith that is dwarfed by that of a less-educated peasant who is OBEDIENTLY SURRENDERED to Jesus.
Our godliness is not the end of anything. Spiritual growth is not the goal in and of itself. Deepening our Christ-like maturity makes us more like the Lord of Heaven and earth and that puts us in a better position to serve him and build his Kingdom.
I ask God to keep me aware of my moral compass and my connection with him as I seek to grow spiritually and serve him and his Kingdom.
Have you checked your moral compass lately?
“Train yourself for godliness; it is of value in every way.” 1 Timothy 4:7–8
“Solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.” Hebrews 5:14