A shallow FAITH ANCHOR–or worse, one that stays in the boat—makes it difficult to believe with a CAPITAL B that God is in control and we aren’t. And it produces two very real threats to our walk with God: 1) It makes it more difficult to fight through the challenges of life; and 2) It makes it more difficult to model Christ in a way that helps others reject Satan’s lies and endure the tests and trials in their life.
If we don’t lower our spiritual anchor and deepen our understanding of God, it’s hard to believe with a CAPITAL B that God is in control and we aren’t. Believing with a CAPITAL B in this way is being open to learn more and more about God and what he would have us do for and through him.
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1
Lowering our spiritual anchor is about moving from partial faith to complete faith. From faith on Sundays to faith every day. From faith that looks inward to faith that reaches out to impact the lives of others and build God’s Kingdom.
We lower our spiritual anchor ever deeper in God’s life-saving water by FOCUSING LESS on what we DO to be so-called “good” Christians.
FOCUSING LESS on the fake “rules” concocted in our head about what followers of Christ are supposed to do and say.
FOCUSING LESS on the superficial knowledge and more on KNOWING God and loading his truths into our soul so they can come out when called on.
God wants us to go beyond the superficiality of life—just surviving through its transactions and tests and trials–to believing with a CAPITAL B that God is in control and we aren’t. He’s in charge and we do not have to worry. That’s the anchor we need to toss into the water.
God wants us to lower our faith anchor deep enough to help us stand strong through the storms of life and help those around us stand into the teeth of the storms buffeting their lives.
I ask God to help me lower my faith anchor deep in his waters. To guide me toward the wisdom I need to serve him and honor him and bring others into his Kingdom.
Is your FAITH ANCHOR in the water or in the boat?
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever…” Hebrews 6:19-20