I am challenging myself this month to pray more. To pray with more DEPENDENCY on God. To pray EXPECTANTLY for his answers. To pray MORE to grow my faith and transform my character in Christ. Will YOU join me in this emphasis on PRAYER and those goals?
What’s at stake? Whether or not we connect with, and download, the heart and mind of God so we can become more like Jesus.
WOW. What do you think of that powerful truth?
Just think what might happen in YOUR LIFE if you spend this month drilling down into PRAYER. How could it impact your relationships? How could it reduce your fear and worry? How could it influence your aspirations and expectations?
Just think.
If we learn to pray consistently and fervently, our prayers: 1) Allow us to communicate with the God of Heaven and earth on a regular basis to build momentum and power; 2) Demonstrate our dependence on God for everything; 3) Make our requests known to God; and 4) Connect us in partnership with God to live out our life purpose and build his Kingdom.
Relationships are fueled by communication and starve to death without it. Prayer is a foundational connector between us and God. Not just to transfer our “needs and wants lists” to him. He wants us to develop and deepen our relationship and friendship with him (John 15:14-15).
Prayer is the gateway to admitting our need to fully trust God to guide our faith walk and live out our life purpose. It is how JESUS thrived in his ministry and carried out his divine purpose (John 5:19). Jesus made this life-changing point crystal clear: He needed to pray with complete dependence to understand his Father’s will. We should have the same goal.
We need to convey not only our requests to God (Philippians 4:6), but also our anxious feelings and our thanks to God for inviting us into this relationship and the conversations it enables. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6
We become partners with God when we connect with him in prayer. This partnership is what allows us to help him fulfill his purpose in our life. And, importantly, it clarifies our role in building the Kingdom of God on earth.
Prayer is how God turns the impossible into the possible.
I ask God to help me pray with more DEPENDENCY on him. To pray EXPECTANTLY for his answers. And to pray MORE to grow my faith and transform my character in Christ.
Do you want to pray with more DEPENDENCY on God? To pray EXPECTANTLY for his answers? To pray MORE to grow your faith and transform your character in Christ? If so, join me in committing to those goals this month as we explore the power of prayer.
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Mark 1:35