It was early in my faith walk, and I had no idea that God had a complete picture of my heart. He saw every sin as it was birthed in my pumping power plant, and the world saw my character through the words that had just passed through the headquarters of my life. I was naïve, thinking I could mask my true self behind a facade, presenting a pretend heart to those around me.
God taught me later that there are no pretend hearts. It is our true heart that lays down the path we travel and determines how we respond to the blessings and challenges we experience on the journey. Our heart is the compass that guides our actions, the silent driver behind our decisions.
There’s more. He rewards a faithful heart (II Chronicles 16:9) and punishes an idol-laden heart (Ezekiel 14:3-8). The state of our heart is not just a private matter but one that impacts our spiritual standing and the course of our lives. A faithful heart, loyal and true to God, invites His favor and blessings. Conversely, a heart filled with idols and distractions draws His corrective hand.
Reading in the book of Proverbs this morning reminded me that we can only present a false heart—for a short amount of time. Our authentic heart will eventually take over. Proverbs 4:23 warns us, “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” Our thoughts are the seeds from which our actions grow, and they reveal the true state of our heart.
David, the man after God’s own heart, understood this deeply. He guarded his heart by careful self-examination, confession, prayer, and worship. God was the light in his life, illuminating the hidden corners of his heart and guiding his steps. This same power source is available to us, offering the light and guidance we need to navigate our lives faithfully.
It is foolish to think God does not see every idea and thought of our heart (Jeremiah 17:9-10). He knows me better than me. And He knows you better than you. We might deceive ourselves and others for a time, but God’s gaze penetrates our deepest thoughts and intentions. He sees the real us, the true condition of our hearts.
In the end, guarding our heart is a binary choice: 1) We either protect it from sin (Romans 13:14); or we steer it toward holiness (Psalm 119:11). This choice shapes our destiny. By putting on the armor of God and filling our hearts with His word, we fortify ourselves against the snares of sin and guide our hearts towards a life of holiness.
I ask God to help me have a heart like David’s, guarded by self-examination, confession, prayer, and worship. A heart that seeks Him earnestly and remains steadfast in faith.
Are you guarding your heart today? Proverbs 4:23 implores us, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” This verse is a clarion call to take the state of our heart seriously. Our actions, decisions, and the very course of our lives flow from this central, vital place.
Take a moment today to reflect on your heart. Are you presenting a pretend heart, or are you allowing your true heart to align with God’s will? The journey to a faithful heart begins with a single step: a decision to guard it diligently and seek God’s guidance in all things.