SPIRITUAL AUTHENTICITY is more than just believing in Christ—it’s living in a way that reflects him. It’s unmistakable. It’s transformational. And it’s the responsibility of every believer to find their authentic self. Not only for themselves, but especially for OTHERS so we MAXIMIZE our IMPACT on the people we touch.
The one outcome that must not happen in the life of a spiritually authentic Christian is having NO IMPACT on others. If our faith is real, it should leave a mark. Paul describes it as a sweet fragrance in 2 Corinthians 2:14—something that lingers, something that changes the atmosphere.
And who do we look to as our model for spiritual authenticity? Jesus.
Nobody he encountered walked away unchanged. Some followed him. Some rejected him. But no one stayed the same. Since we are called to emulate Christ, we must recognize that every interaction we have carries spiritual weight. The lives we touch are affected—positively or negatively—by the depth of our SPIRITUAL AUTHENTICITY.
If you truly understood the “life impact” you could—and should–have on others, wouldn’t that change how you live? Wouldn’t that push you to act?
That’s why I see my faith as much more than a belief system. It’s an ASSIGNMENT from God (1 Corinthians 7:17). A real, tangible mission. But here’s the best part—this assignment doesn’t require you to become something you’re not.
God isn’t asking you to reinvent yourself. He’s simply calling you to be who he made you to be—and to start using that identity to make an impact. Right now.
It’s Not About Us
The SPIRITUAL AUTHENTICITY IMPERATIVE isn’t about our own gain. It’s about others—people who desperately need to meet Jesus. Every act of obedience, every step of faith, every moment of boldness is like laying another brick in God’s unshakable faith wall.
One brick might not seem like much. But when it’s joined with others, it creates something powerful.
Nobody said the Chrisitan life was going to be easy. But surrendering everything to Christ and finding our spiritual authenticity connects us to eternal glory.
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal weight of glory that far outweighs them all.” 2 Corinthians 4:17
That promise is enough for me. And it compels me to ask God every day to give me the wisdom and courage to recognize and act on every opportunity to make an impact.
When was the last time you considered how your spiritual authenticity is impacting those around you?
“But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.” 2 Corinthians 2:14