Yes! The Creator of the Universe, the one who cradles our life in his strong and loving hands, is begging us to ask him for help and guidance. Forgiveness and grace. Hope and peace.
Why? Because he cares deeply about us and wants us to trust him for everything and then glorify his deity.
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
Prayer is never LIMITED.
Space cannot limit prayer. Time cannot limit prayer. Man cannot limit prayer.
God’ power is LIMITLESS. Why would we LIMIT that power? Think of it like this:
YOUR prayers land in the arms of God. YOUR prayers give you access to the heart of God. And, importantly, YOUR prayers go straight to the Lord of Heaven and earth who holds the power to change circumstances, change people, change the world.
Prayer is so much more than a “component” or “compartment” of the Christian life. It is the heart of why God created the universe. It is the essence of our faith walk. And it is showing our dependence on God.
Check out these gateways to God that are created through prayer. Our prayers:
- Strengthen our faith and trust in God.
- Bring other people to–or closer to–God.
- Produce joy, comfort, and peace in our heart.
- Open a direct communication channel to GOD.
- Demonstrate our love for and obedience to God.
- Remind us that–no matter what–God is in control.
- Connect us with others to intercede on their behalf.
- Transfer our fears and worries and concerns to God.
God wants us to ask him for our heart’s desire, starting with what it needs the most–to know him and trust him and love him and obey him and tell others about him.
God does want us to ask him for what we want and need. But he is also looking for our thankfulness, confessed sins, and joyful praise for what he has done and will do in our lives. He wants us to be intentional about prayer, but never contrived or inauthentic.
I ask God to help me avoid relegating prayer to an infrequent, hit-or-miss proposition and to inspire me to be devoted to prayer with NO LIMITS.
Are you LIMITING prayer in any way?
“Be persistent in prayer, and keep alert as you pray, giving thanks to God.” Colossians 4:2