“Every object in a state of uniform motion will remain in that state of motion unless an external force acts on it.” Sir Isaac Newton 1679
Most baseball experts agree that Ozzie Smith—aptly nicknamed the Wizard of Oz–is the best fielding shortstop in major league history. The question everyone seems to ask the Hall of Famer today is how he fielded so many balls that even his best competitors could not reach.
His response is always the same:
“It’s all about movement. I would start moving when the pitcher was winding up so I was already in motion when the ball was hit. I had a jump on the ball.”
Our faith life is just like that! It needs to be in motion every day. And that means we need to start each day by initiating that movement.
Ideally that would be having a daily quiet time with God for 15 or 20 minutes where we read the Bible, reflect on its truths, and then pray that God would use that power in and through our life. But it could be as simple as reading one Bible verse every morning.
The goal is simple: do something each morning that acknowledges God as the Lord of your life.
Don’t worry if you only spend a minute or two at this each day because God will inevitably increase it from that starting point.
Early in my faith walk I made excuses for not doing this each day. But over time I have learned that there are no excuses to not start the day with God. It’s certainly not a matter of having the time.
Today I have “Wizard of Oz Shortstop faith.”
I ask God to give me the strength and courage to start each day recognizing him as my Lord. To help me consider my way and commit my day.
Do you have “Shortstop Faith”?
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Mark 1:35