This just in from our global tribe of online followers:
“I love the series on taking faith inventory in December to get ready for the next year. My question is would our faith increase or decrease if we knew the future?”
This is a perfect next step in our year-end Faith Inventory before we greet 2022. And my mind immediately went to SPIRITUAL INDIFFERENCE. I want my faith to be indifferent about the FUTURE so I can freely respond to God’s call on my life TODAY.
Here’s what Mr. Webster says about indifference:
in·dif·fer·ent = having no particular interest; unconcerned.
SPIRITUAL INDIFFERENCE about the future is:
Focused solely on being open to God’s Will and never gripping a specific, particular outcome.
Relinquishing whatever might keep us from choosing God first—money, comfort, ego, prestige, and pleasure…to name but a few.
Asking the Lord for his Will to be done no matter the circumstances.
However, SPIRITUAL INDIFFERENCE about the future is not free of passion. Our passion allows us to demonstrate what we treasure—serving God. Here’s how the Apostle Paul put it to the Romans:
“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” Romans 12:11
There is nothing optional in Paul’s plea for us to be passionate. But it’s important to differentiate between the world’s view of passion and God’s passion mandate.
The world sees passion as a state of MIND.
The Bible sees passion as a state of the HEART.
God is not viewing our level of passion through the lens of our EMOTIONS. He is gauging our level of passion on what our heart TREASURES. Why? Because that—what our heart treasures–is what animates and directs our faith walk.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21
SPIRITUAL INDIFFERENCE about the future is:
Identifying what needs to die in us so God’s Will emerges and explodes in majestic splendor.
Asking God to help us identify anything that needs to be abandoned to clear the path for him to shape the outcome in his way.
This is our dead-to-self moment that allows the life of Christ to be manifest in and through us. SPIRITUAL INDIFFERENCE is our spiritual death where we lay down our own personal will to embrace and live out God’s perfect Will.
I ask God to attach my heart to him in a way that insulates my faith from being hijacked by fear about the future and protects my commitment to follow the call he has placed on my life this day.
Are you INDIFFERENT to any thoughts about the future that would impede your response to God’s Call on your life today?
“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.” Matthew 6:34 (Message)