Mark Affleck

Have You Taken The ‘Am I Humble’ Test Lately?

March 19, 2021
Spiritual Growth

It is IMPOSSIBLE to fully recognize our INADEQUACY without God if we do not have Christian HUMILITY running through our veins and invading our soul. That’s why it is important to regularly check in on ourselves by asking: “Are YOU a HUMBLE Christian?”
Here’s a snapshot of what Christian humility IS:

  • Respect for the dignity and worth of all God’s people.
  • Putting God and others ahead of our own selfish interests.
  • The mirror opposite of arrogance, hubris, and individualism.

Now here is a glimpse at what Christian humility IS NOT:
Christian humility is not denying our self-worth, gifts, and personal strengths. In fact, the opposite is true. Christian humility affirms our self-worth. At minimum, it’s disrespectful to deny our God-given gifts. On the pole’s other end is the sin of not serving God’s Kingdom because we allowed some false notion of humility to keep us from fully developing our gifts, heart, personality and experiences.
Today’s oracles of secularism scream at us through the internet to elevate OURSELVES and doubt GOD.
We were made to doubt OURSELVES, but never doubt GOD.
Christian humility is shifting our focus off SELF and onto GOD. It is recognizing that our strength and power are not resident in us. It is knowing that everything we have comes from God.
The greatest example of humility is Jesus himself who left heaven, came to earth, and took on the form of man to live a life filled with the spirit of profound humility.
“Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28
That’s why we need to seek Jesus and summon the Holy Spirit to infuse us with Christ-like humility.
Humility is living in subordination to Christ and depending on God’s grace. Humility is recognizing our INADEQUACY without God. Humility is dealing in truth to learn and serve.
I ask God to teach me the kind of humility that subordinates my interests to the interests of others. To help me work out and live out my God-given gifts and abilities to help others in a way that is motivated and fueled by Christ-like humility.
Are YOU A Humble Christian? When Was The Last Time You Took The “Am I Humble” Test?
“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James 4:10
“Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 14:11

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