Mark Affleck

Have You Ever Given Thanks For Your Enemies?

May 25, 2018
Spiritual Growth , Stories

God wants us to be thankful for our enemies? C’mon, man. Really?

Yes, it’s true. After all, if nobody ever wronged us, the opportunity to reflect God’s character and grace would pass right by us.
In this way, our enemy’s hurtful actions are a blessing because they move us closer to Jesus.
Being thankful for those who wrong us begins with one of God’s foundational truths . . . 
“If your enemies are hungry, feed them; if they are thirsty, give them a drink.” Proverbs 25:21 GNT

  • Our sinful nature revolts at the thought of loving our enemies…but God says DO IT..
  • We want to withhold love from our offenders…but God says DO IT.
  • Refusing service to those who would not serve us only seems right…but God says DO IT.

Jesus rebukes our sinful instincts with a clarion call for us to love and honor our friends and our enemies   so we can walk with him. He promises that our acts of kindness for our enemies will pierce their stubborn walls and overcome their evil with goodness.
Jesus gave us two commandments that tower above everything–love God and love our neighbors. That second directive includes our enemies. Showering our enemies with kindness allows us to put his amazing love and strength on display for everyone to see.
I ask God to help me fight off my default nature and love those who have wronged me.
Is there someone who wronged you that is a blessing in terms of moving you closer to Christ?

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