Mark Affleck

I Sacrificed Everything And My Prayers Went Unanswered

November 20, 2017
Spiritual Growth

I am thankful today for so many things that it is impossible to fully articulate the depth and dimension. But there is ONE THING that can stand alone as a singular expression of how I feel today on this Thanksgiving—I am THANKFUL IN ALL CAPS.

I am thankful for Jesus and what he did on the cross at Calvary for me—for all of us.
I am thankful for his faithful commitment to grab my hand and cradle my heart so I can hand things off to him knowing he understands everything about me and is in control.
I am thankful for my helplessness because it triggers God’s special power to propel me forward with new and unbridled confidence that is no longer natural but supernatural.
I am thankful for how God turns my sadness into joy and sustains me to withstand the sad moments that come and go on my journey.
And finally, I am thankful that we are fortunate to live in the United States with protection from most of the deprivations, hunger, horrors, and fears that many across the globe face. And in recognition of that blessing, this is my Thanksgiving Prayer for 2017:
As the sun peeks over the golden-brown hillside and ushers in another glorious day, may our Lord God be working in the homes and on the streets and in the villages where precious souls right now are living without the love and hope of Jesus. May the afflicted and addicted and all the others in pain or confused about life be led to you, Jesus. May God’s workers be blessed and uniquely prepared to serve these souls, for it is noble…for it is good…for it is a sacred responsibility.  

What are you thankful for today?

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34
Father God, thank you for your precious gift of life for eternity…for your incredible protection promise no matter what circumstances swirl about our world…for your loving and unconditional hand on my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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